Tuesday 7 February 2017

TRIZ management lecture

I am going to do a lecture on what this blog is really about TRIZ and management.

My best source as a starting point are two papers I found on the internet.

The first is by Valerie Souchkov is about a breakthrough thinking of using TRIZ in management.

The second comes out of Cambridge University  and links TRIZ with technology roadmapping.

TRIZ was developed by engineers but attempts have been made to integrate it into many different areas. The 40 principles have been adapted in many areas.

I will post a link to my slides as I write them.

Thursday 2 February 2017

TRIZ workshop

Just today been asked by a colleague to run a TRIZ workshop for second year product design undergraduates. Gives me a chance to promote one of my passions. Need to do about an hour and a half. I could lean it towards new product development.

My outline thoughts are:

40 principles
solving technical contradictions - triz 40 or otherwise
solving physical contradictions - charts
thinking in time and space - nine boxes
trends of evolution
effects database
maybe a mudguard design

Wednesday 1 February 2017

What on earth is TRIZ?

Welcome to my TRIZ blog. You may not have heard of it before but TRIZ is a series of innovation techniques, based on the analysis of patents used to solve problems. It was developed by engineers and initially adopted by that community but has the potential for much wider appeal including its use in management.

One of the most accessible tools is the TRIZ 40 principles. These are 40 ways of solving problems.These come from a systematic analysis of patents.

Nos 1-10
1. Segmentation
2. Taking Out
3. Local Quality
4. Asymmetry
5. Merging
6. Universality
7. Nested Doll
8. Anti-weight
9. Prior Counteraction
10. Prior Action

Nos 11-20
11. Cushion in advance
12. Equipotentiality
13. The other way around
14. Spheroidality – Curvature
15. Dynamics
16. Partial or Excessive Action
17. Another Dimension
18. Mechanical Vibration
19. Periodic Action
20. Continuity of Useful Action

Nos 21-30
21. Rushing Through (or Skipping)
22. Blessing in Disguise
23. Feedback
24. Intermediary
25. Self-service
26. Copying
27. Cheap short-living objects
28. Replace mechanical System
29. Pneumatics and Hydraulics
30. Flexible Shells and Thin Films

Nos 31-40
31. Porous materials
32. Colour Changes
33. Homogeneity
34. Discarding and Recovering
35. Parameter change
36. Phase transition
37. Thermal Expansion (or contraction)
38. Accelerate Oxidation (or use of strong oxidants)
39. Inert Atmosphere (or Environment)
40. Composite materials
Nos 1-10
Nos 11-20
Nos 21-30
Nos 31-40
These principles have been applied in many different sectors.